Babies and brains too...

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Again, really tired so I'm going to be short but...
Caroline had her first gymastics class today- she loved it! I talked to the teacher after class- not before (long story). I said something like, "How did she do? This was her first class." and she was shocked- she said, something like, "Wow, it seemed like she'd been doing gymnastics forever..." The place seems a little serious- her class was not but I sat with lots of moms of older children- I think this is where the "real" gymnasts go- a little bit scary. And Katherine- I woke up from her am nap to go the grocery store and then woke her again to go to gymnastics and she literally just played on the floor or in my lap, happily, the entire time. It was actually great because there were a couple of other baby siblings of other students there so it was like a little play group for her! More tomorrow...


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