Babies and brains too...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I just want to be plain

Please take a minute to discuss the results of yesterdays election with anyone that will listen. What an exciting change we have going on in our country!

Yesterday, I asked Caroline to hold Katherine's bottle for me while I ran to get something for Caroline- an all to common activity... Caroline looked at me and said, "No Mom, I just want to be plain." I really think that she meant that she just wanted to sit and do nothing. She wanted a request of hers to not be part of a deal. To not be an ok I'll do it if you do this. The more I thought about it, two things came to mind. The first was that she really had a good point. How rare it is for her to ask me something and for me to just do it. To do it without saying, in just a minute, when I finish this, or if you do this- to just do it. Today I will focus on just doing it- when it is possible- so that she can just be plain. It also made me think about how rare it is that I can just be plain and how great it would it I could be plain more often. This really is at the crux (spelling?) of the tiredness, the stress of motherhood, I think. It is so rare to not be multi-tasking- if I am not physically multi-tasking, I am certainly thinking about something else, while I am doing whatever it is that I am doing. My goal for today, is to try to be plain more often. Will let you know how this goes...


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